Latest News and Insights

Disability and Fitness
Disabled people face various challenges when it comes to accessing and using gym facilities. These challenges can be physical, social, and policy related.

The Power of The Mind for Fitness and Happiness
As a Personal Trainer, I know that the power of the mind plays a significant role in both fitness and happiness.

How Exercise Makes You Happy
We know that exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know it can also boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress, and more?

Women in Sport
Women really can achieve great things in the world of sport!

Why Men Should Care about their Health and Fitness
When you consider the way in which society encourages men to be brave, strong, and self-sufficient, it is hardly surprising that the average man pays less attention to his health

Building Fitness Habits
What are Habits? Habits are defined as [1]a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

Stress Busting Exercises
Stress Awareness Month has been held every April, since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures the modern stress epidemic.

The Effects of Seasonal Changes into Spring and Summer on our Wellbeing
We are coming into springtime when everything feels like a fresh start. Our gardens start to come back to life and the warmer weather and longer days make us want to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Love and Fitness
This blog is all about love!

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Effects of Exercise
Now that the cold and wet weather is back and the days are becoming shorter, some of us may be feeling less motivated than normal.

Ways to Lower High Cholesterol
Cholesterol is needed for the body to function normally but having excessively high levels in your blood can have an effect on your health

Is Missing a workout the wnd of the world?
We all have times when fitting in a workout is a struggle.

Reasons to not give up the gym over summer
The summer months shouldn't be the end of the fitness journey just because you may have achieved your beach body.

Why Use a Personal Trainer?
There are many reasons to use a personal trainer